Dropbox – Collecting and Storing Large Files.

Dropbox is a cloud-based file-hosting service that allows you to collect and store large files.  You can get a free account here: https://www.dropbox.com/basic

Students can submit assignments that are large files such as short videos, audio, PowerPoint presentations.

  1. Access Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/basic
  2. Click on “Sign up for free”


To receive a large file (over the 50 MB limit in Moodle) create a file request in Dropbox.

  1. Sign into Dropbox
  2. Click on “File Requests”

  3. Click on “New Request’

  4. Complete the requested information and click “Create”.

  5. Copy the “Share link”

  6. Add the link to your Moodle Course

When the student wants to upload a file to your Dropbox

  1. When the student clicks on the link posted in Moodle they will come to this screen.
  2. Click on “Add Files”

  3. The student uploads the file, completes the submission details and clicks “Upload.”

  1. Sign into Dropbox
  2. Click on “File Requests”


  3. Enter the designated folder.
  4. You will see a list of submitted documents.
  5. To stop accepting file submissions, click on the three dots at the side of the folder.
  6. Select “Close”

    You will not receive any new submissions, but the submitted files are still available.


Dropbox – Collecting and Storing Large Files.

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