Adding True / False Questions to an Exam

True / False questions require the student to choose one of only two answers – True or False.

Advantages of using True / False questions in  Moodle

  • Automatic Correction
  • Possible to randomize questions

  1. Enter the course site
  2. Click Edit

  3. Select the teaching unit where the exam is located
  4. Click on “Edit Quiz” and “Add”

    The first time you add questions, this screen will appear:

    After you have added a question and want to access the exam to add additional questions, the following screen appears:

    Click the gear and select “Edit quiz.”

  5. To make copying difficult, select the option “Shuffle.”

  6. There are three options for adding a question:

    To add questions from the “question bank” or “random questions from a category” see:  Question Bank.

    Add a new question directly to the exam:
  7. Click on “New Question”
  8. Select the type of question: “True/False” and click “Add.”

  9. Select a Category
    IMPORTANT: If a category is not chosen you will not be able to reuse the question in another exam or course.

  10. Fill in the question name (write a name related to the content of the question and not just a number), Question Text, Default Mark and General Feedback.

  11. Specify the correct answer
  12. Optional: Enter the “General Feedback” and feedback for “true” and “false.”

    An example of the question:

  13. Save the question
    If you selected a category the question is automatically saved to the “Question Bank.”


Adding True / False Questions to an Exam

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